Spectrum of research and scientific literature on alcohol and other drug use from all relevant disciplines, including medicine, nursing, social work, criminal justice, sociology and psychology.
The Inventory lists each measure by program, reporting measure specifications including, but not limited to, numerator, denominator, exclusion criteria, Meaningful Measures domain, measure type, and National Quality Forum (NQF) endorsement status.
Find a Specific Test/Find Test for a Variable Browse by alphabetical list of instruments, generic instruments, disease, target population, author's name; OR use the Search Engine to select from available Criterion options
Find a Specific Test//Find Test Reviews Search by keyword; browse by name of instrument
Find Test for a Variable search or browse by Construct or Measure
Find a Specific Test Search Instrument/Indices only or browse (click Browse link in the left navigation column) the Instrument/Indices database By Title or By Source
Find Test for a Variable Search by keyword in Instrument/Indices only
Find Specific Test instrument name or acronym, scale, observation, questionnaire, etc.
Find Test for a Variable by keyword and additional keywords or Medical Subject Heading (MESH)
Find Test Reviews Use keywords such as validity, reliability or use MeSH terms such as validation studies[pt], validation studies as topic[mh], reproducibility of results[mh]
The requirement to use a validated instrument to measure your research outcomes can be met by locating scholarly research articles that use your instrument.
Search your instrument in the library collections, limiting to peer-review, scholarly research articles and preview the articles by clicking into the title to view the data describing the research methods.
Be sure to confirm with your advisor/instructor that your chosen tool and validation meets the criteria for your project.
Check with your advisor to confirm that your resources are adequate for validation.
FINDING articles by instrument name in the Library
Use the IN (Instrumentation) limiter (by choosing it from the dropdown menu next to the search boxes)
searches the database for statistical instruments that are discussed in a scholarly journal article or used for the research instrument
IN must be chosen in order to be searched – otherwise only content that cites or mentions an instrument will be returned in results
Select a Field searching will NOT search for instruments used in the article