All databases provide articles with the author’s opinions about laws and legal court cases. Opinions are NOT primary sources of law. Students can search on healthcare management, hospitals, nursing practices and management techniques, management practice and theory and numerous other healthcare topics in law.
Several databases in the library are a go-to for author perspectives on case law (court opinions) and other legal issues.
Proquest Central collection: ABI/Inform Global, ABI/Inform Dateline, ABI/Inform Trade & Industry, Accounting, Criminal Justice Political Science, Tax & Banking, Political Science, ProQuest Research Library, Sociology, Social Science databases. Do keyword searches in this collection on your legal topic.
EBSCOhost CINAHL has a Legal Case limiter on the search page. When you have results, use the Major Subject Headings limiter to narrow them down to concepts such as liability, consent, malpractice, etc.
150+ famous trials that include: Socrates, John Brown, Lizzie Borden, Leo Frank, Lenny Bruce, Patty Hearst, O.J. Simpson, Enron, Bill Clinton, Emile Zola, Alfred Dreyfus, Fatty Arbuckle, Tokyo War Crimes, Hollywood Ten, Silkwood v Kerr-McGee, Manuel Noriega, Jim Bakker, Oscar Pistorius.