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APA Style Writing & Citation

How to use Permalinks

This guide will give you instructions on how to directly link library articles into your course or discussion forum. 


NOTE: You can post permalinks to articles from library databases as outlined above, but you cannot post PDF articles without obtaining permission from the copyright holder.





 (Short for "permanent link") is a stable or persistent link to a specific web page or article. It provides a stable URL link that is intended to remain unchanged for many years into the future, A permalink to a Library resource makes finding the resource very simple.


In this guide you'll find instructions for finding permalinks in:


EBSCO: all EBSCO databases:
  • Academic Search Elite
  • CINAHL Complete
  • Business Source Elite
  • EBSCO eBook Collection
  • ProQuest Central
  • ProQuest Ebook Central Health and Medical Collection


Before you start: Permalinks will require the user clicking the link to login to the library if they are not already. 

Questions? Email for assistance.

Permalinks Instructions

As with all permalinks, you must first get to the specific item you want the permalink for:

1. Perform your search in any ProQuest database and click the link for the specific article or other item you want.

2. Click on the Abstract/Details tab.

ASU - PQ1.png


3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Copy the Document URL (permalink) and paste it into the location of your choice.


ASU - PQ2.png

To copy a permalink to an article:

  1. From an open article, click Permalink in the Tools menu on the right hand side of the page. 

  2. Copy the link from the Permalink window and paste it into an email, web page, etc.

Note: You can also get the citation of the article by clicking Cite (also on the Tools menu) and copy and pasting the citation into your notes or bibliography. 



In OVID permalinks are called Jumpstart Links.

1. Locate the article you want to link to and click the title to open the article.

2. Click the the Email Jumpstart link at the top of the page

3. Copy the URL or enter an email address in the box and click send to email the link


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