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Conducting a Literature Review


PICOT is useful for Clinical Questions about therapies and outcomes, often with a comparison.

PICOT Criteria chart to define each section - population, intervention, comparison, outcome, timeSample Topic:

Find evidence-based medicine on alternatives to narcotic medicating for the elderly within home settings.

= elderly in-home, senior, geriatric, home care  

I = cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)

C = no opiates/narcotics

O = lessened anxiety and associated behaviors (e.g. over-eating, alcohol consumption)

T = within three months

Adapted from CHLA 2021 Conference presentation

The SPICE model helps frame questions in the social sciences and humanities, e.g. business and education.  

Sample Topic:

How successful was the school in generating buy-in from  Grade 8 students to join clubs and extra-curricular activities?

S = Enderby Secondary School.

P = School clubs and extracurriculars  graphic of SPICE model for developing keywords for research questions

I = Set aside class time to take students to the fair as part of the curriculum. Set up sign-up tables and demonstrations by the various activities.

C = Previous engagement of the new Grade 8 student population in the activities.

E = How many new signups across the clubs and activities of the Grade 8 students.



Research questions framed using the SPIDER tool tend to begin with "What are the experiences of ...?"

  • Best for qualitative research questions that measure attitudes and experiences rather than clinical interventions and outcomes.
  • Focused more on the design of the study and less on the subjects (people or groups).

SPIDER chart with definitions of the variables, sample, phenomenon design, evaluation, research type

Sample Topic:

What are the experiences of doctoral nursing students in using their library?

  • S = Doctoral students
  • PI = Library use
  • D = Survey
  • E = Experiences (of using the library)
  • R = Qualitative
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